Sunday, October 2, 2011

***New Score System***

After much thought and debate, I have decided a new way to score the songs on here. It was brought to my attention that too many songs were receiving scores above 8, which I agree with, so I decided to switch up the system.

Since I strive to post only good songs, I realized that a scale out of 10 isn't necessary if I'm only going to post "good" songs. Therefore, the new SIZZLE SCORE systems is as follows:

WARM = barely made it on here, but worthy of being posted.
HOT = solid track and I like it a lot, but it's missing something.
FIRE = as close to perfect as you can get if it's not already, gonna be on repeat for a while.

There you have it, pretty easy to follow, and I hope this is a better way to score things.

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